HAIR REBORN is a charity offering a free confidential hair care service to people dealing with hair loss through cancer chemotherapy treatmenT.
Hair loss is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy for cancer treatment and we are here to offer reassurance, advice and guidance whilst caring for your hair during this challenging time.
We can offer practical advice from the moment you are told you may lose your hair, through to cutting and styling your new hair as it begins to grow back, restoring your identity and confidence.
This is a free confidential hair care service offered to those undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment from the age of 16 +. Those under the age of 18 years should be accompanied by a parent, guardian or supporter. Please note you will need to provide confirmation of where you are being treated in order to be eligible for the program.
The program offers expert advice and up to 3 Free visits at a HAIR REBORN appointed salon.
On this initial telephone consultation we will establish the stage of your chemotherapy treatment, discuss what you may expect to happen to your hair and provide advice on how to manage any likely consequences. We can also offer advice on new manageable hairstyles to minimize the distress of losing your hair and explain the HAIR REBORN program.
This appointment would be to trim and tidy your hair as it falls out if you wish. Some people may want it cut away completely and start afresh, or you may prefer a friend or family member to do this – this would be entirely your decision.
Approximately 8-10 weeks after your last course of chemotherapy when your hair is approximately 4 cms in length, we will trim and shape your new hair as it begins to grow. We will offer advice on hair care and book you in for your final appointment.
This visit is to style your new hair into a manageable hairstyle, give guidance and advice on colouring and looking after your new hair.
If you start the program midway we will happily accommodate you according to which step you are at. Please contact us or call us for further details.